followfood Customer Success Story (EN)

followfood is a pioneer in terms of sustainability, data quality and efficiency. The company uses central product data exchange via GDSN® to save resources and work more efficiently at the same time. In addition, followood relies on GS1 DQX, a data quality seal from GS1 Germany GmbH that promises significant competitive advantages and is increasingly demanded by retailers.

followfood provides evidence that environmentally friendly action can be efficient at the same time. Find out more in our success story:

Team atrify

June 12, 2023

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Team atrify

Team atrify

Team atrify is all of us at atrify. We understand the problems manufacturers face in data management. Data optimization and internal system integration are our core competencies. We advise and implement the requirements for both commercial and regulatory use of the data in a system.

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